Tuesday, May 8, 2012

writing leads

Father Was a Spy, Sons Conclude With Regret

who: orphans 
what:  they were adopted after there parents were exacuted 
when: 1953
where: soviet union 
why: because parents delivered and atomic bomb 
how:  because parents delivered atomic bomb 

Delayed identification: In this lead, the "who" is not immediately identified by name. Instead, the "who" is identified by an occupation, city or job title. Use this approach when the person involved has little name recognition among readers.A cafeteria worker at Andrew Jackson High won $2.5 million Friday in the state lottery. 

two orphans were adopted after there parent were executed during delivering a atomic bomb 

Unrestored' copy of first Superman comic book for sale

story two
who: comic book 
what: comic book bidding 
when: the friday the article was posted 
where: at the action 
why: to sell it because its worth a lot of money 
how: because theres not many left of this comic book  

Summary: The lead in this case is a synopsis of two or more actions. Reporters who deal with several important elements may choose to sum up what happened rather than highlight a specific action. His is one type of lead where a general statement is preferable to a specific action.
 a comic book is up for bidding the comic book is worth a lot of money and there not many left  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Architecture shoot preview assignment

 details - i think this is detailing because if you see walls they look very nice and detailed like if someone took there time to really get the last thing in the wall so it could look perfect with details
 light - this is lighting because in one part of the building there is light it bright but there other sides were there not much light

 patterns - this is pattern because its a building and the balcony makes it a pattern there not all facing one way 
 angles and shapes- this is angles and shapes because this photo is was took by an angle of the building also the building is a weird shape not something we would really see .
surroundings - this is surroundings because it mostly focusing on the house but there other things in the photo

Monday, April 30, 2012

Architecture preview

La Pedrera, Spain 
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Antoni Gaudi
2. When was it built? 1905- 1910 but officially opened 1915
3. Where is it located? passeig de gracia Barcelona 
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? yes it public
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? it was build for couple roser segimon and  pere mila
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) i picked La pedrera because its a really cool building. its just different that other building it almost looks like its made out of tree .like a tree was grown there and they shaped it out but its all made out of stone  i also really like the windows this building has. it has a weird shape to it that attracts me that's why i also like it .

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? peter cook and Colin Fourier
2. When was it built? 1847
3. Where is it located? lendkai 1,88020 graz austria
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? its public
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? kunsthaus graz was made to developed an institution for stage international exhibitions of modern contemporary art from the 1960s
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) i picked this building because the shape of its is weird it almost looks like a a heart from a certain point of view of the building 

habitat 67 

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Moshe safdie 
2. When was it built?  1967
3. Where is it located? Montreal Canada 
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? its public
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? 140,000 Canada dollars
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? . project for his architecture program at McGill University. It was "highly recognized" at the institution, though Safdie cites its failure to win the Pilkington Prize, an award for the best thesis at Canadian schools of architecture
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) i like this building because it almost looks like a game of tetris there all stacked together its seems very nice made i didn't think a building would exist like this one i think its really creative and neat .that why i picked this building and it really caught my eye

National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? paul andreu
2. When was it built?  2001 -2007
3. were is it located ?  Beijing China
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? yes
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? 300 me
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? the building was created to have preform es its a theater
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) i picked this building because its an oval and its like randomly just like in the middle of the water witch makes it look really cool it seems like a boat almost seeking in the middle of the water  it think the architect did a good job its also cool cause its a theater and it seem really cool to go and see a preformace there

Eden project, United Kingdom
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Nicholas Grimshaw
2. When was it built? 2001
3. Where is it located? st blazey Cornwall UK
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? yes  its public
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? 50 million i think
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?  for environmental aspects
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question) i picked this cause  its for environmental things  it has such a pretty garden pretty flowers how there sculptured things and the landscapes and how the round  biomes look they look like gold balls and stuff

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

news element

  proximity: http://austin.ynn.com/content/top_stories/284346/sexual-assault-suspect-has-long-criminal-history--according-to-apd
timeliness: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/net-migration-mexico-dips-zero-143325289.html;_ylt=Ahn9nDllLp7WumoH3VneqtOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNtZjBkdXY0BG1pdANKdW1ib3Ryb24gRlAEcGtnAzM3NzkwNTA1LWU5ZWUtM2M2Yy05MjkyLTY5NTY5NTBmNjQwYQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDanVtYm90cm9uBHZlcgNiNTQ1NGE1MC04ZTNhLTExZTEtYmRmZi02NjRkMTU2MmFkNGE-;_ylg=X3oDMTFrM25vcXFyBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnMEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3
oddity :http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-04-24/teen-hand-sanitizer-drunk/54501498/1?csp=ip
Consequence: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2012/03/20/oil-prices-warnings.html
conflict: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33850878/ns/world_news-mideast_n_africa/
human interest: http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/24/us/gulf-oil-spill/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Ws and H blog

Who? people in a air plane
Who is involved?pilot and passengers 
 Who does/did the situation affect? people
Who said so? the passengers

What is happening?  a pilot fell asleep
What did happen? the pilot has to nose dive 
 What are the consequences? just some people getting hurt and almost loosing there life
What is different about this? that i haven't hear a story like this 
What are the choices?there is no choices

When did or will this happen? January 17 ,2011
When was this discovered? April 17, 2012

Where did or will this happen? this happen in a air plane

Why did this happen or will it happen? this happen because the pilot slept for 75mins  

How did it or will it happen? because the pilot didn't wake up on time
How much does it cost? it doesn't say
How many people does this affect? i think it affected a lot of people and pilots to take safety measurements  
How do you feel about this? i think its very dangerous for a pilot to sleep for 75mins 

Who is involved? a six year old girl
Who does/did the situation affect? the girls family and her
Who said so?the family

What is happening?
What did happen? a six year old girl got handcuffed because of bad behavior and school damage
What are the consequences? getting hand cuffed
What is different about this? that people haven't hear of something like this
What are the choices? there inst any

When did or will this happen?on Tuesday 
When was this discovered? april 17,2012

Where did or will this happen? Georgia

Why did this happen or will it happen? this happened because of the little girls behavior

How did it or will it happen? because of the girls behavior
How much does it cost? none
How many people does this affect? some people
How do you feel about this? i think its not right

Who is involved? a six year old girl and school
Who does/did the situation affect? the girls family
Who said so? the family

What is happening? a six year old girl gets arrested
What did happen? a little girl was acting up and made school damage and was handcuffed 
What are the consequences? getting handcuffed
What is different about this? that i haven't hear a story like this
What are the choices? there isn't any

When did or will this happen? april 17 2012
When was this discovered?

Where did or will this happen? georgia

Why did this happen or will it happen? this happened because of the girl bad attitude

How did it or will it happen? girl acting up
How much does it cost? none
How many people does this affect? many
How do you feel about this? i think its not right

Who is involved? a high school boy
Who does/did the situation affect? him in school and might not get to graduate
Who said so?the school

What is happening?Austin fisher a high school senior had many absents because he was taking care of his mom who had cancer 
What did happen? a high school senior had many absents because he was taking care of his mom who had cancer 
What are the consequences? might not get to graduate
What is different about this?that i haven't hear something like this
What are the choices? there aren't any

When did or will this happen?
When was this discovered? april 17 2012

Where did or will this happen? Ohio 

Why did this happen or will it happen? because he was taking care of his mom

How did it or will it happen?
How much does it cost? none
How many people does this affect? many people in a good way
How do you feel about this? i think its good to let him graduate because he was doing for good not for bad 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

student of the month

  1. what did you do in order to be student of the month : I sang a lot of songs and got good grades and made people laugh
  2. what is some advice to students who want to be student of the month : just be your self 
  3. what are some thing that made you give your best to be student of the month: for myself and my mom cause i love her 
  4. how did you react to been student of the month : i was excited and very happy
  5. how do you students treat you now that student of the month: they wanna be all up on me
  6. how does student of the month feel : it feels pretty cool
  7. how do your parents feel about you being student month : they felt happy and proud of me they cried
  8. do your parents treat you different and if they do how :they still treat me the same
  9. do you feel accomplished and why : yes i do because i got student of the month
  10. how does the principle feel about you being student of the month: he feel proud and happy for me
  11. how has this affected your personal life:little bit because people see me different 
  12. how do your friends feel about you been student of the month: the feel like iam the coolest kid ever 
  13. do you think you'll keep being student of the month   and why :i don't think so cause someone will out do me
  14. do you like being student if the month and why or why not: yes because everyone loves me
  15. how does teachers feel about you being student of the month : they feel like they did something good with me
  16. has student of the month change other peoples point of view of you: yes because they respect me more
  17. how has student of the month changed you: no im still the same person 
  18. why do you encourage other people to be student of the month:because i want them to be notice and feel good about them
  19. is your life different or the same since your student of there month:a little bit different because i work hard
  20. how are you going to keep your grades up to be student of the month:YES! I always keep my grades up

Monday, April 16, 2012

questions and answers

  1. principle
  2. student 
  3. student council president 
  • what is your opinion on the new uniform policy
  • how do you think other students will react to this policy 
  • why do you think they made this a new rule 
  • do you think it might change the student behavior and why 
  • does this new school rule has something to do with like the way the dress code before or gangs ?
  • do you think students will follow this rule and what makes you think they will 
  • how do you think uniforms will change the school environment
  • how you think some students will like new policy 
  • will the students be able to make a change in there uniform yes or no and why
  • will all the school wear one color or different colors for each grade 
  •  how will this help students 
  • why doesn't the staff have to follow this policy 
  • how do you think this uniform policy will be positive
  • what makes you think this will be negative for students
  • what will the students have to wear 
  • how do you think this uniform policy will be useful
  • how will students be punished if the uniform is not worn 
  • how will this affect in discipline
  • how do you think parents are going to react to this policy 
  •  how do you think the uniforms are  more affordable

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

caption writing

who: bob smith
what: he is holding a Molotov cocktail 
where : Tokyo japan
when : last week on monday
why : because hes angry
how: because he doesn't have freedom  to speak his mind
bob smith angrily protested against the government in Tokyo japan. smith hold a Molotov cocktail because he doesn't have the  freedom to speak his mind .

photo 1 i think a rule for the photo with the lanters is leading lines and also pattern because the a lot of lantern flow ding also background
photo2- i think a rule is rule of third because its nice on the side also another rule is background because the subject pops out
photo 3 i think a rule for this photo is the road leading to the mountain there four its a rule of leading lines and also view point because the person must of been in a high location .

action shoot

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Runner-up videos

  • name of the photographer :nick  Adams
  • General focus of portfolio : stores
  • three problems : how many picture people take of kids, how some photos you cant really tell the story,
  • two favorite things:there like the photo graphically, how sharp it is
  • in my overall impression i really it this person took some good photos but there were a couple of  photo were you didn't really understand what going on .

  •  name of the photographer: Travis Haughton
  • General focus of portfolio: stores
  •  Three problems: cannot see the other persons/animals face, how many children photos are there,doesn't like how it seem photoshoped
  • two favorite things: like how its not staged,likes the weirdness of the photo,  
  • in my overall impressions there are some good but some are to simple  like some you would do like in the ordinary day
  •  name of the photographer : Sam Adams 
  • General focus of portfolio: bmx biking and sports photography
  • three problems:how the photo was tilted, the compositions, cant tell what going on in the photo
  • two favorite things: how it simple but good, selowet
  • in my overall impression i think they had a lot of bmx photos but there were pretty cool how they decided at the perfect time to take the photo of the persons in the like doing the tricks in the bikes

  • Dustin Snipes
  • i see a lot of strengthen in this person who took the photos not really a lot of weaknesses 
  • the judges really thought this person had a lot of strengthen   
  • the judges talked about what there opinions on the photos 
  • one photo i agree with the judges is the three squares and the baseball players the photo is dull and the baseball players aren't  really doing anything   
  • one photo i don't  agree with the judges is the one with the girl playing soccer and she makes a mad photo i dont like how there saying they dont like the car in back   

        Monday, March 19, 2012

        Japanese Earthquake

        in this photo i feel very shocked and and sad for japan and what happen to most of there land and how it turned out to look out i this a good rule for this photo is background

        what i see in this photo it makes me feel lonely because there only like a couple of things around the car and there water surrounding it i also think that some good rules for this photo is simplicity, rule of third, and leading lines 

        what i feel when i see this photo is very sad because i think about how many think are going to be distorted  and and many people would get killed some rules for this photo are leading lines, and cropping

        Monday, February 27, 2012

        newspaper design notes

        • two sizes of newspaper called broadsheet and other is tab lode
        • a jump is when is a article starts in the from page and ends in the inside
        • the flag is the name of a publication 
        • the folio it includes names of the city/school slogan and the date also includes the name of a section and page number
        •  headlines are large fonts that grab your attention headlines are complete sentences with out any punctions also 
        • for sub headlines every photo must have a caption  its called caption head are like mini sub headlines
        •  caption must be 2 sentences long  the 1st sentence describes the action scene in the photo
        • the 2nd sentence gives you background of the photo you cant see in the photo 
        • the photo credit 
        • byline the name if the writer and there position
        •  the jump is were the story continues\
        • story divider 
        • info graphics graphic of info ex bar graph, pie chart 
        • the volume number is bottom right corner 
        • journalistic decision making what stories are going in the newspaper, were the stories go   

        Front Pages of the world

        1. my favorite newspaper greensburg  Pennsylvania because the titles seem like something interesting to read 
        2. on of the headlines that inserted me was a headline that says Time To Move On 
        3. the are four stories in the newspaper 
        4. the all mostly have in common one big main story at the front of the news papers
        5. somethings that are different are that some news papers have the main story in different places but most of them are on the top

        Monday, January 30, 2012

        Yearbook introduction

        • school name : Harvard - west lake school
        • school location : north Hollywood+ Los Angeles
        • school size: 1,609 
        • pages in the book : 367
        • section in the book : 8
        • sections of book : opening, people,student life, academics, clubs, arts, sporting,closing 
        • sports played: field hockey,football, swimming team,tennis,volleyball,water polo team,middle school cross country team varsity cross country team, cross country boys,varsity girls golf , ice skating ,fishing ,skiing ,basket ball, soccer, wrestling team, etc
        • clubs: cultural  club, God squads, real eye, pros+ cons etc
        • school colors : red and black 
        • theme : limitless
        • year publish : 4 years 
        • editor -in -chief : Jordan bender, Anjani Nadaur
        • the upper school clubs
        • i like how theres alot of clubs  
        • i guess i would change how theres like alot of pages with like only three words 
        • yes i would love to go to this school
        • i would like to go to this school because it has alot of sport and clubs it seems really nice and fun

        Friday, January 20, 2012

        Magazine covers part II and InDesign Part I

         1. early magazine covers the would mostly be like books because they had table of contents like a book the layout would and not many word  just be mostly like a book and the title of the magazine would mostly tell the reader what there going to read .2.the poster cover would mostly like a poster but they were also very artsy there had a lot  of great  photographs in the magazine
        3.Pictures married to type is like subject but not many words around 
        4 like lot of words you cant also really tell the subject

        Wednesday, January 18, 2012

        happy ,akins, building

        the reason i choose this photo is because i think it was a really good photo for happy cause he has a really nice smile :)

        i choose this picture because i think it was the best one i took for akins and it was nice and clear :)
        i like this picture because it has a rule leading lines but other than that like like it cause it has a nice focus on the building and i also i liked the color that i had to give it its kinda cool and dark

        Monday, January 9, 2012

        choice sheet

        I think for next year I'm going to sign up for Yearbook  the reason why i want sign up for yearbook is that is that i been wanting to sign up for yearbook for scene 7th and 8th grade ive always liked working with cameras and photography  and it also seems like its really fun  !
        • http://my.hsj.org/Schools/Newspaper/tabid/100/newspaperid/4628/view/frontpage/Default.aspx     ( NEWSPAPER)


        i like this picture because because it show cool plastic flamingos
        the reason i chose this photo its cause  the sky looks like snow and it looks like something crashed in the snow
        i like this picture because of the big full yellowish moon
         i really loved this movie it was really cute and funny i really enjoyed

        the best song in my opinion has to be by my favorite band foster the people,pumped up kicks it doesn't really send a good message because it talks about a boy who is isolated and is going to prepare a shooting but i like it because its really caught y and has a really good beat to it  
        • i think one of the best story was the royal wedding it really made big news everywhere it was a big deal that the prince got married. and it also made a big deal cause the mom of William wasn't there princess Diana . but other than i think its really cute .   
        • i think someone who really made headlines a lot was Lindsay lohan that shes in alot of rehab and lots of drugs and she wont stop with the drugs and she keeps going back to rehab and geting out  
        • something that happen in my holiday was that my family came over from California and also family from Mexico and we got to show them around Texas it was really i haven't seen them like 3yr so it was fun to see them again 
        • some of my new year resolutions are to pay more attention in school and get better grades and to be more healthy 
        what im looking forward in 2012 has to be going to the foster the people concert i really don't know what else ill wait to see what comes my way this year! :D