Monday, September 26, 2011


  1. my reaction to the power point was i thought it was really awesome and impressive the photographer did a great job  
  2. my favorite photo was the first one of the power point the one with the elephant standing up with it trunk in the water and the elephant is just looking strain 
  • the camera he used was a short leans camera the ones we used 
  • to show them how the animals are in danger 
  • his hope i guess they are to make people help them 

Academic Shoot reflection

  1. think some challenges were some teacher not letting us in or it was to dark and trying to find some of the rules i think it those were some challenges for me 
  2. what technical aspect that i thought the most was trying to hold the camera and trying not to move much 
  3. i think if i were to get to do the assignment again i would try to find of a better picture of rule of thirds 
  4. i think i would do the same things by focusing and and zooming
  5. i think  that if i were to go out and shoot again i think it would be easier to do and find balance and lines of would be easier to find that rules 
  6.    i think to me that rule of thirds was the hardest to find
  7. i think the rule that i don't clearly figure out is rule of thirds

Thursday, September 22, 2011


1. i think i followed the rule well because it seems like the the flag is coming out of the head 
2. the subject is the body and the flag 
3.i think it clear for a person to notice the subject but not that clear  
4. i think i could of done better by only focusing on the body and the flag and leaving out the rest on the picture and i could of done by geting closer

Avoiding Mergers

1. i think i followed the rule well 
2. the subject in the picture is the leg 
3.i think the subject this very clear 
4.i think i could of done better by may be picking that trash up in the floor


1. i think i followed the rule really good its nice and balanced
2.i think the subject is the class 
3.i don't think that the subject it that clear but it okay
4.i think i followed the rule okay

Rule of Thirds

1. i think i didn't follow the rule correctly but i could of done better 
2. i think the subject is the the outlet
3. i think it clear for people to see the subject 
4. token a better picture maybe more to the side


     1. i think i followed this rule because i picked an objected and made it have a plane background 
2. i think the subject is the the black thing in the side if the picture
3.i think it very clear for people to see the subject
4. i think i could of changed by going closer up

Friday, September 16, 2011

Academics Shoot Preview

                   The Best Story:                                                                                  i think this the best story because it tell how      young teens are trying to make a change and help the homeless or people who poor

More Interesting Stuff :   i think it shows the best filling frame  because it shows how this teen is very interested in reading books 
                                                  Action Or Emotion:  i think it shows the best emotion because it show how some teens appreciate there teacher and get along with them   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

post shoot reflection

  • some challenges for red,metal,grumpy were trying to fing someone who was grumpy everyone just seemed happy that day 
  • i was thinking to hold the camera and not moving much and focusing and trying to zoom in into the people that were grumpy 
  • i would try to get more balance and more lines 
  • the focusing and zooming 
  • yes am very interested in shooting prompts i enjoyed it  and i really like taking photo 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Avoiding Mergers

this is avoiding mergers because it focused on the on the people that were helping out by cleaning the the disaster 


this kinda good framing because the building are black and in the middle is all light 


i think it balance because it you were to fold the building it would be even 

Rule of Thirds

i think the rule of third because the mans head is right in the building line


i think it shows simplicity because its kinda focusing more of the wtc building and it shows the blue sky 


i think the photographer did good on the lines because of how the car are lined up 


Red  - i don't think it has any rules of composition

Metal   - i think it kinda has simplicity to it not very much 

i couldn't find a grumpy photo  -i think there good lines kinda but not that much and the balance and avoiding mergers  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Minor White

Minor Martin White 
birth :July 9th 1908
death: June, 24 1976 
origin of birth : Minneapolis Minnesota  
Education Job :  he earned a degree in botany with a minor in English from the university of Minnesota in 1933 
Job: Then Minor started a a career in photography first joining the Oregon camera club then taking on assignments from the works progress Administration and exhibiting at the Portland art museum

Quotations: no matter how slow the film is spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer it has chosen   

bastrop wildfire

This picture makes me feel very sad and it makes me want to help the people that are loosing there home. Its very depressing to see theses pictures .

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Exploring the Camera

  1. the camera Obscura achieved Joseph Nicephore added the final touches he added film to it to creat his successful photograph was born 
  2. the invention that helped the man get closer was a a high quality glass lenses 
     3. parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce were a glass lens a dark box and film film cameras use to capture images are electronic sensor called a CCD
     6.the difference between the Auto Mode and the Program mode is auto will completely control flash and the program is automatic-assist, just point and shoot. Unlike full auto mode                              
    7. Portrait mode used for to attempt to blur out the background camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting 
  8.the sport mode is used for to freeze motion 
  9. you should half press the trigger button to so the camera can focus 
 10. that mean to disable the flash {no flash} 
 11. to force the flash  
 12.the picture will be washed out 
 13. you can really see what the picture is  
 14. it means to shutter  
 15. to go up in one 
 16. to go down it one 
 17. the affect it has more light 
 18. the affect of the shorter shutter is less light 
 19. it controls light before it hits the film 